Thursday, June 11, 2015

Composite Subjects

Do compound subjects linked by and usually take a singular or plural noun? – Two nouns linked by and usually form a plural subject, so that the verbs and pronouns must also be plural.
• Julie and Philipe are the only students in the class who can speak French.
• Bolivia and Paraguay are the only two landlocked countries in South America.
However, some nouns linked by and have become so strongly connected that they form a composite subject (or double subject), expressing one idea rather than two. In such cases, we usually choose notional rather than grammatical agreement by using singular verbs and pronouns.
• Washing-and-drying with our new automatic takes only half the time it used to.
• The looting was a reminder of how appallingly people can behave when law and order breaks down.
• Bread and butter is included in the price.
• Gin and tonic is my favourite tipple.
In other circumstances, of course, we use grammatical agreement. Compare the following sentences:
• Bread and butter are always the first two items on my shopping list.
  (There are two shopping items: bread and butter.)
• Bread and butter is included in the price.
  (“Bread and butter” is a paired word; plural in form, but singular in meaning.)
• Tom and Jerry were cycling along the park.
  (There were two people cycling along the park: Tom and Jerry.)
• Tom and Jerry was my favorite cartoon film.
  (“Tom and Jerry” is the name of a famous cartoon film.)

Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by such words as “along with”“as well as”“besides”,“not”, etc. These words and phrases are not part of the subject. Ignore them and use a singular verb when the subject is singular.

• The politicianalong with the newsmen, is expected shortly.
[The subject the politician is singular takes a singular verb is.]

• Excitementas well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.
[The subject excitement agrees with the verb is. They both are singular.]

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