Saturday, July 4, 2015

Phrasal Verbs with STAND

Phrasal Verbs – STAND
Here is a list of phrasal verbs using STAND:
1. STAND UP FOR (somebody) — Meaning: to support or defend
• Always stand up for your friends.
• You have to learn to stand up for yourself
2. STAND UP TO (somebody) — Meaning: to resist; not accept bad treatment from somebody
• It was brave of him to stand up to those bullies.
• I think you should stand up to your older brother and tell him to stop pushing you around.
3. STAND ABOUT — Meaning: to stand doing nothing especially at work
• Don’t just stand about with your hands in your pockets!
4. STAND BACK — Meaning: to move a short distance
• Beyonce’s bodyguards told the paparazzies to stand back.
• He screamed, “Stand back! Don’t move any closer!”
5. STAND BY — Meaning: to wait, also not to get involved in a situation
• I want you to stand by and answer the phone in case mom or dad calls.
• He just stood by and did nothing! Can you believe that?
6. STAND FOR — Meaning: to represent, also to tolerate
• FBI stands for “Federal Bureau of Investigation”.
• Mother doesn’t stand for anyone telling lies.
7. STAND IN — Meaning: to replace, also replacement
• He stood in for his twin brother in the wedding rehearsal.
• Jacky Chan never uses a stand-in actor in his films.
8. STAND OUT — Meaning: to be noticeable
• He’s so tall. He really stands out in the crowd.
9. STAND UP — Meaning: to not arrive to an appointment or date
• Before I was married, I never stood up any girls. I always thought that was rude.
10. STAND ASIDE — Meaning: to move to the other side so that someone/thing can pass, also to resign
• Please stand aside, we’re coming through.
• It’s time he stood aside and let his son run the business.

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