Thursday, April 7, 2016

Doggie Bag

Doggie bag was first meant for a dog pet
Meaning: A container for leftover food to be carried home from a meal eaten at a restaurant. The leftovers are intended for a pet dog, but mostly the people eat them themselves the following day.
Doggie bag may come in a paperbag, plastic bag, carton box, or aluminum box.

Bringing the leftovers home is a part of the American culture.
Doggy bags are part of eating out in the US. But many British diners struggle with the idea of asking to take their leftovers home. In the UK, it is a rarely heard request. And if one does have the audacity to ask for a doggy bag, it will probably be uttered under one’s breath or behind one’s hand. Britons are reluctant to ask for one regardless of how much is left on their plate.
However, there is no such shame attached to doggy bags in the US, where they are overtly offered on a menu or freely handed out by the waiting staff as part of the service.
It’s pretty the same here in Indonesia. We often bring our leftovers home and eat them the next day. There’s nothing embarrassing about asking for a doggy bag. We don’t want to see waste. There’s a sense of working hard for your money and wanting value for the money you spent because most of the population in Indonesia is from the low to middle class.
My parents are from the working class and I remember my mother used to make an omelette or nasi goreng(fried rice) with the remains of meals she cooked the other day.
In Indonesia, if we want to have a doggie bag in a restaurant, we usually say “Bisa minta dibungkus?” to mean we’d like to have our leftovers in a doggie bag. The waiter/waitress will usually bring the food from our table to the back and come back to our table with all the leftovers packed in a doggie bag.

Dessert or Desert??

The soldier deserted his dessert in the desert.
When I tell you “The soldier deserted his dessert in the desert”, do you know what I’m talking about?
Not really.
You’re confused.
Well, I know the words DESERT and DESSERT can be confusing; they are quite tricky for some learners, especially in the pronunciation. Let’s take a closer look at the sentence once again.
“The soldier deserted his dessert in the desert.”
Desert /ˈde-zərt/ Audio Player

Dessert /di-ˈzərt/ Audio Player

The first word deserted is the simple past form of the verb desert meaning to abandon; abandoned. The second word dessert is a noun, meaning a sweet dish that is generally eaten at the end of a meal, and the last word desert is also a noun, meaning an arid geographical region.
So, DESSERT or DESERT? which one is a cake and which one is Sahara? Let me show you the easiest way to know which one is which:
Strawberry Shortcake = deSSert (two S’s)
Sahara = deSert (one S)
Watch this video to know their differences in pronunciation: Dessert or Desert by Sozo

“Get in the bus” or “Get on the bus”

There’s  a historical story behind  the phrase “get on the bus”. In the 19th Century, a voiture omnibus (a vehicle for all) – later shortened to merely ‘bus’ was a horse-drawn carriage to which you get on. As is with the modern bus, the voiture omnibus is significantly raised from the ground; therefore, one must get on in order to get in. Get it😀
If a car is significantly raised from the ground, like a jeep or an SUV, the phrase “get on” would also applicable.
This is what a voiture omnibus looks like :

Voiture Omnibus

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