Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Shotgun Wedding

"Shotgun Wedding" -- Pernikahan karena hamil duluan

Meaning: A wedding that is arranged to avoid embarrassment due to an unplanned pregnancy.
-- Kita mengenal istilah MBA (Married By Accident) untuk mengggambarkan pernikahan yang disebabkan karena si pengantin perempuan hamil terlebih dahulu.

The phrase is based on the situation that the father of the pregnant daughter must resort to using coercion (such as threatening with a shotgun) to ensure that the man who impregnated her follows through with the wedding.
-- Istilah ini berasal dari sebuah keadaan di mana ayah dari perempuan yang hamil harus menggunakan kekerasan atau mengancam - dalam budaya barat menggunakan senjata api (dalam budaya Indonesia menggunakan golok) - agar si laki-laki yang menghamili anak perempuannya mau menikahi anaknya.

• Looks like it's a shotgun wedding for those two.
• When she told her parents that she was pregnant, her father forced her into a shotgun wedding.
• After a shotgun wedding at 20, she had 3 children before divorcing from her husband.

"My phone is broken" or "My phone is out of order"

Don’t say:
The telephone is “broken”.
When you say “my phone is broken”, your listener might think you just dropped your phone on the floor and now it’s broken (shattered) to pieces.

The telephone is “out of order”.
When something, for examples, telephone, ATM, toilet, vending machine, elevator, etc., is not in working condition, say “it’s out of order”, or just simply say “it’s not working.”
• The elevator was out of order and we had to walk to the tenth floor.
• We couldn’t use the telephone because it was out of order.

When you say “my phone is dead”, it means the battery is dead; your phone needs charging.

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