Monday, June 15, 2015


This article is about the different use between "despite, in spite of, although, even though, and though" in the same meaning.
Despite and In spite of. (Preposition)
Both of these prepositions are always followed by a noun as an object. They are interchangeable.
For example:
-Despite/In spite of the bad weather, the flight is not delayed.
('The bad weather' is a noun used as an object)
Although, Even though, and Though. (Conjuction)
All of them are always followed by a noun as a subject and verb/auxiliary verb. They are interchangeable.
For example:
-Although/Even though/Though the weather is bad, the flight is not delayed.
('The weather' is a noun used as a subject, and 'is' is an auxiliary verb)
We can't say:
-Despite/In spite of the weather is bad, the flight is not delayed. (Incorrect)
-Although/Even though/Though the bad weather, the flight is not delayed. (Incorrect)
~Taken from some trusted dictionaries~

Pronunciation: -ed Endings in Regular Simple Past and Past Participle Verbs

The past simple tense and past participle of all regular verbs end in -ed, for example, walked, stayed, laughed, etc. The question is how do we pronounce the -ed? The answer is, we can proniunce it in 3 ways:


If the base verb ends in /t/ or /d/, the -ed ending is pronounced as /ɪd/
• want – wanted ⇒ /ˈwɒnɪd/ or /ˈwɒntɪd/
• end – ended ⇒ /ˈendɪd/

If the base verb ends in unvoiced /p/, /f/, /s/, /ʃ/, /ʧ/, and /k/, the -ed ending is pronounced as /t/
• hope – hoped ⇒ /həʊpt/
• laugh – laughed ⇒ /lɑːft/
• fax  – faxed ⇒ /fækst/
• wash – washed ⇒ /wɒʃt/
• watch – watched ⇒ /wɒʧt/
• like – liked ⇒ /ˈlaɪkt/

If the base verb ends in voiced, the -ed ending is pronounced as /d/
• play – played ⇒ /pleɪd/
• allow – allowed ⇒ /əˈlaʊd/
• beg – begged ⇒ /beɡd/
Note that it is the sound that is important in pronunciation, not the letter or spelling, for example, ‘fax’ ends in the letter x but the sound /s/; ‘like’ ends in the letter e but the sound /k/.
Now try to answer this question: Which sound do the following words end with?
1. answered
2. asked
3. believed
4. ended
5. entered

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