Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Always do Vs. Be always doing / Asking about HOBBY

I always do something= I do it every time.
-I always go to work by car. (Not I'm always going)
I'm always doing something= I do it too often or more than normal.
-I'm always playing computer games.
(I play these games too often)
We also use "always doing" to show that we feel annoyed with something/someone.
-She's always calling me every morning.
(I feel annoyed with her/ I'm annoyed at being called every morning)
Copied from the book "English Grammar in Use" by Roymond Murphy.

Asking about HOBBY

What do you do for fun?
“Do you have any hobbies?”
“What are your hobbies?”
Those are the most common questions you see in English text books and you’d probably use for asking someone else about their hobby.
However, native English speakers almost never use the word “hobbies” when asking about them. A much more natural way to ask the same question is:
“What do you do for fun?”
“What do you do in your free time?”
How would you answer this question? Let’s look at how native speakers would do it!
The easiest way is to say “I like to…” or just “I like…”followed by what you like to do. For example, “I like to watch movies.” Or “I like watching movies.”
You can emphasize how much you like your hobby by adding a word like “really” in front of “like”, or “very much” at the end. For example, “I really like watching movies.”, or “I like watching movies very much.”
On the other hand, if you want to play down how much you like something, you can say “kind of” (pronounced “kinda”). For example, “I kind of like playing tennis.”
So, what do you do in your spare time? Who knows perhaps you and I have something in common in spending our spare time.

How to Speak English Fluently: Think in English

If you want to speak English fluently and naturally like a native speaker, the secret is… think in English. It’s so simple, isn’t it?
However, it’s not that simple for many ESL learners; they will say “I don’t have enough vocabulary” or “I need to think in my native language, then translate it to English”. Thinking in your native language and translating result in sentences that don’t sound natural. In addition, it takes too much time to think and translate when you’re in a conversation, leading to pauses and hesitations.
So, how to learn to think in English? Here’s how…
1. Think of individual English words every day.
For example, when you wake up in the morning, see the things in your bedroom like bed, blanket, pillow, closet (wardrobe), etc. Or things in the classroom such as desk, teacher, classmates, whiteboard, etc.
2. Try to make a complete sentence from the individual English words you think.
• She is sleeping in her bedroom.
• She pulled up her blanket and went back to sleep.
• She teaches English.
• She sits at her desk.
It doesn’t matter if you can only make simple sentences. What matters is whenever you see something your brain will automatically recognize it in English word and will create a sentence out of it instantly. You will develop a habit of thinking in complete sentences.
3. Do the “mental practice” regularly.
For example, think in your language how to order a burger and then think how you would do it in English.
“I’ll have a burger with no mustard.”
“Could I have a burger and a large Coke?”
Remember you only do this practice in your head. Because you are only thinking, not speaking, you can relax from all the pressure of a real conversation. If you do this sort of “mental practice” regularly, you’ll be able to use English in any everyday situation.
Thinking in English is the best tip for increasing fluency. It will make you more confident and help you speak more easily and without hesitation. So, practice this strategy…
1. Think of individual English words.
2. Make a complete sentence.
3. Practice mentally.
today and see how your English fluency increases so fast. Best of luck!:)

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