Friday, June 5, 2015

Simple Present Tense - Translated version for Indonesian fans

Verb + s/es in third person

(+)  You speak English.
(?)  Do you speak English?
(-)  You do not speak English.

Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan:
1. Peristiwa/kegiatan yg biasa terjadi atau sering berulang. Kegiatannya bisa merupakan kebiasaan (habit), hobi, kegiatan sehari-hari, ataupun kegiatan yg sudah terjadwal.

• I play tennis.
• She does not play tennis.
• Does he play tennis? 
• The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
• The train does not leave at 9 AM.
• When does the train usually leave? 
• She always forgets her purse.
• He never forgets his wallet.
• Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
• Does the Sun circle the Earth?

2. Fakta, si pembicara (speaker) percaya bahwa faktanya benar pd masa lalu (past), sekarang (present) dan tetap benar di masa yg akan datang (future).

• Cats like milk.
• Birds do not like milk.
• Do pigs like milk?
• California is in America.
• California is not in the United Kingdom.
• Windows are made of glass.
• Windows are not made of wood.

3. Kegiatan yg terjadwal. Biasanya dipakai utk membicarakan tentang yg berhubungan dg kendaraan umum) tp bisa juga tentang kegiatan terjadwal lainnya.

• The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
• The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
• When do we board the plane?
• The party starts at 8 o'clock.
• When does class begin tomorrow?

4. Keadaan sekarang. (Tapi tdk menggunakan bentuk 'continuous'.)

• I am here now.
• She is not here now.
• He needs help right now.
• He does not need help now.
• He has his passport in his hand. 
• Do you have your passport with you? 

1. Pada kalimat tanya (interrogative) digunakan kata bantu (auxiliary verb) DO atau DOES + Verb-1 di awal kalimat.
2. Pada kalimat negatif digunakan DON'T atau DOESN'T + Verb-1.

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