Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hanged vs Hung

Both ‘hanged’ and ‘hung’ are intransitive verbs; that means they need an object. These words are one of the most confusing words to ESL students. They often mix up the two words. I hope after reading my explanation about these two confusing words, you won’t be confused anymore.
HANGED is the simple past and past perfect form of the verb ‘hang’.
hang – hanged – hanged – hanging
Definition: Kill by hanging
The murderer was hanged on Friday.
HUNG is the simple past and past perfect form of the verb ‘hang’.
hang – hung – hung – hanging
Definition: Be suspended or hanging
I hung the clock on the wall.
Often you’ll see ‘hung’ is used for suicide, eg.: “He hung himself”, but as seen above, ‘hanged’ is used for executions. However, if you’re not discussing about death, you probably want to use ‘hung’, eg.: “She hung her clothes”, “I hung up on him” (NOT “I hanged up on him”).
Fill in the blanks with HANGED or HUNG.
1. Ted _____ the modern painting in his living room.
2. Yesterday I _____ wet towel on the clothes line to dry.
3. He was _____ for murder town years ago.
4. Last Saturday I saw the film about a person who was _____.
5. The white jacket which _____ on the red chair belonged to your mother.
6. The book is about a woman who _____ herself in her cell.
7. Don’t hang your pictures too high. They should be _____ at eye level.
8. They _____ him in the main square in the 1869s.
9. I _____ my son’s pictures above my bed.
10. They _____ 20 people in the village 100 years ago.

Answers: 1. hung, 2. hung, 3. hanged, 4. hanged, 5. hung, 6. hanged, 7. hung, 8. hanged, 9. hung, 10. hanged


  1. Hii.. Thank for sharing a great post. let's share the knowlee to everyone.
